Intro to Early Stone Tools

The Paleolithic Age, also known as the Old Stone Age, spans from approximately 3.3mya to 10ka and is divided into three main periods:

Lower Paleolithic (3.3mya~300ka)

The Lower Paleolithic saw the creation of the first stone tools by early human ancestors. While advancements were made over hundreds of thousands of years, tool making techniques stayed relatively stagnant during this period.

Middle Paleolithic (300ka~50ka)

Great advancements in stone tool technology were made during the Middle Paleolithic period, with various Homo species creating different types of stone tools. Arguably the most significant industry during this time period was the Mousterian Industry

Upper Paleolithic (50ka~10ka)

The Upper Paleolithic saw an incredibly diverse range of stone tools made by Homo sapiens around the globe. The Solutrean Industry in particular is known for its fine craftsmanship.